
  • Judi Carey.

    My husband, Dennis, and I have been married almost 31 years. We have four children between us, three children-in-law, seven grandchildren, and three great-granddaughters.

    I was born and raised in Goodland, Kansas. At 28, I was a single mother of two and my life was going nowhere. The opportunity to go back to college presented itself and I signed up. I packed up myself and my two kids and left behind my family, friends, and the only place I had ever lived to move to a place where I didn’t know anyone. But God had a plan. He guided our paths in ways that to the normal eye would seem impossible – but we know nothing is impossible with God! The result was that

    in October of 1978, I knelt by my bed and asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me from my sin. God had a plan.

    I walked an aisle and joined a Southern Baptist church which gave me, as a new Christian, the best biblical foundation possible. I am forever grateful for the teaching I received there. Dennis’s background was mostly Catholic so when we looked for a church together, we chose to go the liturgical route. We came to TLC in 2016 when we were searching for a new church home. We attended the New Year’s Eve service that year and we’ve never looked back. God had a plan.

    I love TLC and truly feel God leading and moving this congregation to do great things here. The diversity in culture, age, etc of this congregation is one of the most amazing things I’ve had the blessing of witnessing. I will be grateful to be apart of the leadership team of this church. Godhas a plan.

  • Kay Buturla

    My husband Frank and I have been members of TLC since 2015. I was raised in the Episcopal church where I grew to love the liturgy and the way its structure connects each of us to the entire Anglican Communion.

    I have been active in the church throughout my adult life in various capacities (Sunday School, Adult Education, Cursillo, Chalice Bearer, Lector, Discernment Committees, Vestry…). Since 2003, I have also served as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and Pastoral Care Minister.

    One of the things that drew Frank and I to TLC is the diversity; people of different backgrounds and cultures, as well as a wide age range, all coming together in love. This is truly an amazing congregation!

  • Steven Soe

    My wife is Kabaw, we have three children, Alex, Alice, and Benjamin. I come from an Anglican family and my wife comes from a Baptist family. All my children were baptized in TLC. I came to the United States in November 2010. I am employed at ALSCO, Denver Central Stockroom.

    I was born in Burma as the next to last child of eight. At the age of twenty, I left my village and family because the threat of the Burmese military to my life. I went to Thailand and lived in Karenni Refugee Camp #1 for 11 years. During that time, I was able to finished high school and community college in the camp after which I taught math to ninth and tenth grades, I was a principal for the high school and taught in the community college as well.

    When I arrived in Denver, I looked for a church and found a Karen Baptist Church. After a year, Imet with some Karen Anglican families and we formed Anglican Resurrection Church with some Karen leaders such as Mun Yar Paw, Esther Saw and Thaw Thie Paw. I helped with preaching until Toe Ma came.

  • Fredric (Fred) Tippett

    I am 73 years of age. I was raised in the Church of Christ, and was baptized at the age of 10. After growing up in Southern California, I graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles (no, it is not a dental school) with a degree in Mathematics. I met my wife, Laurie, who was raised Catholic, while working for Borel Restaurant Corporation in San Mateo, CA. We were married in 1981, have three boys, Kyle, Charles, and Matthew. We originally attended St. Ambrose Episcopal Church in Foster City, CA. After moving to Santa Cruz County, CA, we joined All Saints Episcopal Church in Watsonville. We relocated to Fairfax County, Virginia, in 1993 after I changed jobs and worked with Boston Chicken for two years.

    I was transferred to Colorado in 1995 and we settled in Littleton. A career change was inevitable when Boston Chicken filed for bankruptcy. Thus, in 1999 I began my second career in the Title Insurance industry where I remained for 18 years. We attended St Nicholas Episcopal Church where we met Pastor Ken Ross. I served as Treasurer, Vestry Member, and Senior Warden until Ken left to start a new church, New Hope, which became part of the Anglican Communion. We attended a few churches for a period of time until my loving wife, Laurie, passed away in December, 2016. On the urging of Keith Lusk, I returned to TLC in January, 2017. After retiring in 2018, I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 6 years, serving as chalice bearer, acolyte, helper in the kids program, participating in the Men’s Bible Study and breakfast, and with the Operation Christmas Child program. I am also a Lay Eucharistic Minister and serve in Pastoral Care as needed.

    I enjoy spending time with my 5 grandsons, playing golf, exercising, and travelling. I am fortunate to have a wonderful relationship with my neighbor, Gena Betzer, with whom I attend church, play golf, and enjoy dining out and seeing movies.

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  • Kasya Dean

    My husband, Amer, two daughters and I migrated to the USA from Pakistan seven years ago. My family was already in Colorada for the last 26 years.

    My early education started from a Catholic school and moving forward in education I obtained a Master’s degree in psychology. Since living in the USA, I accomplished another Master’s in Health Administration. I worked as Enrichment Coordinator for Denver Public Schools and now currently work for Jeffco Public schools as a director for before & after school.

    My family joined TLC church in 2021. We are fortunate to be a part of such a welcoming church. We feel happy & comfortable. I pray for the prosperity of this church. God bless the congregation!

  • Ben Schaum

    My wife, Anna, and I have been married for almost 7 years and we have an 11 month old daughter named Marie (MJ for short).

    Anna grew up in Fort Wayne, IN and I grew up in Monument, CO. We met while attending Taylor University, a small, liberal arts Christian university in Upland, IN. We’ve moved around a bit since we graduated, but have most recently settled in Denver after living in Atlanta for four years. We found TLC soon after moving to Denver because of its association with the International Anglican Church (IAC) in Colorado Springs, a church at which my dad is a deacon and we had visited.

    I studied business management in college and have worked in the specialty coffee industry since graduating. I’m currently the Head Roaster at Allegro Coffee, a subsidiary of Whole Foods Market. I fell in love with the coffee industry because of its unique mix of developmental economics, intercultural work, culinary arts, and community impact. Furthermore, I see many opportunities to use business in the coffee industry for stewardship, relationships, and actualizing God’s plans for the world.

    Anna received a Masters in Public Health from Emory University in Atlanta and has worked for the Centers for Disease Control since 2016. As part of this work, she has had the opportunity to work with foreign governments and health agencies in many parts of the world including Ghana, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Kyrgyzstan, and Ethiopia. In a similar fashion to myself, Anna sees her work in public health as an opportunity to care for a world in need.

    When we’re not engaging in typical Colorado activities (hiking, skiing, etc.) we can be found renovating our house in the Regis neighborhood or hanging out with friends. I also grew up bird watching and have lately enjoyed sharing this hobby with Marie.

    We’re so thankful to have found TLC. Finding a church has been hard for us at times, but TLC immediately struck us as an authentic congregation with a unique community and strong theological foundation.

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